The excitement of holiday festivities is over. The parties are over, the hangovers are a distant — but painful — memory, and tree is down. All that remains is a pill of credit card statements and bills that serve as a painful reminder that you accrued more credit card debt that you anticipated or wanted to this holiday shopping season.
Sure, filing your taxes early and applying all or a portion of your refund to your debt can help you pay down your balance, however, it best to address the underlying issue of how you got into debt head on. As such, the new year is the perfect time to get help with debt and take advantage of the credit card debt solutions offered by debt relief companies.
It’s important not to pre-judge your financial situation and give up before you even contact a debt relief center. Keep in mind their debt counselors have seen and are qualified to deal with a variety of financial situations. In fact, yours may not be as bad as you initially thought.
Debt relief companies treat you as individual, meaning they do not take a one-size-fits-all approach to getting you out of debt. Debt counselors will carefully review your financial situation and discuss your financial goals in order to determine or create a custom solution that is in align with what you need and want.
There are a variety of flexible credit card debt solutions that will allow you get out of debt on terms that work best for you. For example, debt management plans allow you to consolidate your debt into a single monthly payment that is calculated based on your income to debt ratio. This allows you to budget around this payment, and avoid the hassle of trying to manage multiple month payments.
In addition to helping you get out debt, debt relief companies aim to keep you out of debt by providing expert financial planning advice. This will allow you learn the financial tools you need in order to identify potentially problematic situations and address them swiftly.
So make 2015 the year you begin your journey towards becoming debt free.