If you are a business owner, you may find that your business needs additional funding. You may need a business loan to expand the size of your business office, to hire new staff or to acquire new equipment. Before you go to a loan agency to request a loan, it’s important to prepare a business […]
Everything You Should Know Before You Sell Your Annuity
You might have an annuity from an inheritance, an insurance payout, or even from winning the lottery. While it’s nice to get a little extra money every year from your annuity, many times big life changes make your cash needs greater than the amount you get from your annual annuity payment. When this happens, it […]
3 Great Reasons to Outsource Your Payroll When Hiring Canadian Workers
So you’re thinking about hiring Canadian workers, eh? Our neighbors to the north are some of the hardest working people on the planet, and there are tons of qualified candidates waiting for their phone to ring. The only problem with hiring Canadian workers is adjusting to their country’s employment standards, which are often much different […]
Plan These 3 Things Before Selling a Structured Settlement
Selling a structured settlement is one of the first things some people think about doing after winning a lawsuit or insurance claim. Medical malpractice lawsuits amounted to $3.6 billion in 2013 and lawsuits won by employees average $150,000 in payments. Many people don’t have time to wait around and collect minimal annual checks though. They […]
Cash Management Solutions Make Businesses More Secure
The need for cash management systems could be a very good sign for businesses. After all, if a business is in need of currency counter machines, high speed counters, or a currency counter machine, that business might be doing pretty well. Businesses that handle a great deal of cash, coin and cheques on a regular […]
Why Selling Your Annuity Is a Good Option
What to know about selling your annuity Winning the lottery or getting a settlement is not all it is cracked up to be. Sure the money is nice, but the system is so complex that it won’t just let you have the money. In order to win the game, you have to play by the […]
How to Choose the Best Space for Your Office
When a company starts to grow, it can be difficult to keep up with only a small office. In order to expand, companies need new workers, new technology, new inventory, and, of course, the space to put it all in. With 4 billion square feet of warehouse space built between 1990 and 2003, and more […]
What the Hilary Clinton Email Scandal Teaches Us about Investor Relations
In financial public relations and investor relations services, there’s what you could call the bandage approach to bad news. One of the most fundamental laws of the universe can be simply stated as, “What goes up, must come down.” Or, put even more simply, stuff happens. And when said stuff hits the fan, and it […]
Three Tips for Finding a Mortgage Lender
A burning question for a huge number of people today is “are mortgage rates up or down today?”. They want to know what to expect should they get in contact with a home mortgage lender. The odds are that the mortgage rate will factor heavily into their decision to purchase a home or not. Many […]
Olympic Gold Medalists Finds Second Career in Commercial Real Estate
Commercial real estate is often an attractive prospect for people from all walks of life: unlike the stock market, the property industry is relatively stable, and an investor can draw profits from a variety of sources, including rent payments, tenant fees and more. However, because investing in commercial real estate involves a great deal of […]